Learning Outcomes

  • Understand that a parser is a program which extracts information from structured text
  • Apply what we have learned about Haskell typeclasses and other functional programming concepts to create solutions to real-world problems
  • In particular, we learn to use parser combinators and see how they are put together


In this section we will see how the various Haskell language features we have explored allow us to solve real-world problems. In particular, we will develop a simple but powerful library for building parsers that is compositional through Functor, Applicative and Monad interfaces. Before this, though, we will learn the basics of parsing text, including a high-level understanding that parsers are state-machines which realise a context-free grammar over a textual language.

Previously, we glimpsed a very simplistic Applicative parser. In this chapter, a parser is still simply a function which takes a string as input and produces some structure or computation as output, but now we extend the parser with monadic ‘bind’ definitions, richer error handling and the ability to handle non-trivial grammars with alternative inputs.

Parsing has a long history and parser combinators are a relatively recent approach made popular by modern functional programming techniques.
A parser combinator is a higher-order function that accepts parsers as input and combines them somehow into a new parser.

More traditional approaches to parsing typically involve special purpose programs called parser generators, which take as input a grammar defined in a special language (usually some derivation of BNF as described below) and generate the partial program in the desired programming language which must then be completed by the programmer to parse such input. Parser combinators have the advantage that they are entirely written in the one language. Parser combinators written in Haskell take advantage of the expressiveness of the Haskell language such that the finished parser can look a lot like a BNF grammar definition, as we shall see.

The parser combinator discussed here is based on one developed by Tony Morris and Mark Hibberd as part of their “System F” Functional Programming Course, which in turn is a simplified version of official Haskell parser combinators such as parsec by Daan Leijen.

You can play with the example and the various parser bits and pieces in this on-line playground.

Context-free Grammars and BNF

Fundamental to analysis of human natural language but also to the design of programming languages is the idea of a grammar, or a set of rules for how elements of the language may be composed. A context-free grammar (CFG) is one in which the set of rules for what is produced for a given input (production rules) completely cover the set of possible input symbols (i.e. there is no additional context required to parse the input). Backus-Naur Form (or BNF) is a notation that has become standard for writing CFGs since the 1960s. We will use BNF notation from now on. There are two types of symbols in a CFG: terminal and non-terminal. In BNF non-terminal symbols are <nameInsideAngleBrackets> and can be converted into a mixture of terminals and/or nonterminals by production rules:

<nonterminal> ::= a mixture of terminals and <nonterminal>s, alternatives separated by |

Thus, terminals may only appear on the right-hand side of a production rule, non-terminals on either side. In BNF each non-terminal symbol appears on the left-hand side of exactly one production rule, and there may be several possible alternatives for each non-terminal specified on the right-hand side. These are separated by a “|” (in this regard they look a bit like the syntax for algebraic data type definitions).

Note that production rules of the form above are for context-free grammars. As a definition by counter-example, context sensitive grammars allow terminals and more than one non-terminal on the left hand side.

Here’s an example BNF grammar for parsing Australian land-line phone numbers, which may optionally include a two-digit area code in brackets, and then two groups of four digits, with an arbitrary number of spaces separating each of these, e.g.:

(03) 9583 1762
9583 1762

Here’s the BNF grammar:

<phoneNumber> ::= <fullNumber> | <basicNumber>
<fullNumber> ::= <areaCode> <basicNumber>
<basicNumber> ::= <spaces> <fourDigits> <spaces> <fourDigits>
<fourDigits> ::= <digit> <digit> <digit> <digit>
<areaCode> ::= "(" <digit> <digit> ")"
<digit> ::= "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9"
<spaces> ::= " " <spaces> | ""

So "0"-"9", "(", ")", and " " are the full set of terminals.

Now here’s a sneak peak at a simple parser for such phone numbers. It succeeds for any input string which satisfies the above grammar, returning a 10-digit string for the full number without spaces and assumes “03” for the area code for numbers with none specified (i.e. it assumes they are local to Victoria). Our Parser type provides a function parse which we call like so:

GHCi> parse phoneNumber "(02)9583 1762"
Result >< "0295831762"

GHCi> parse phoneNumber "9583  1762"
Result >< "0395831762"

GHCi> parse phoneNumber "9583-1762"
Unexpected character: "-"

We haven’t bothered to show the types for each of the functions in the code below, as they are all ::Parser [Char] - meaning a Parser that returns a string. We’ll explain all the types and functions used in due course. For now, just notice how similar the code is to the BNF grammar definition:

phoneNumber = fullNumber <|> (("03"++) <$> basicNumber)

fullNumber = do
   ac <- areaCode
   n <- basicNumber
   pure (ac ++ n)

basicNumber = do
   first <- fourDigits
   second <- fourDigits
   pure (first ++ second)

fourDigits = do
  a <- digit
  b <- digit
  c <- digit
  d <- digit
  pure [a,b,c,d]

areaCode = do
  is '('
  a <- digit
  b <- digit
  is ')'
  pure [a,b]

Parser Type

In essence, our parser is going to be summed up by a couple of types:

type Input = String
newtype Parser a = P { parse :: Input -> ParseResult a}

We assume all Input is a String, i.e. Haskell’s basic builtin String which is a list of Char.

Then the Parser type has one field parse which is a function of type Input -> ParseResult a. So it parses strings and produces parse results, where a Parse result is:

 data ParseResult a = Error ParseError
                    | Result Input a
  deriving Eq

We’ll come back to the ParseError type - which will be returned in the case of unexpected input, but we can see that a successful Parse is going to produce a Result which has two fields – more Input (the part of the input remaining after we took a bit off and parsed it), and an a, a type parameter that we may specify for concrete Parser instances.

The Parser and the ParseResult types are pretty abstract. They say nothing about what precise Input string we are going to parse, or what type a we are going to return in the result. This is the strength of the parser, allowing us to build up sophisticated parsers for different input grammars through composition using instances of Function, Applicative and Monad, and the ParseResult parameter a allows us to produce whatever we want from the parsers we create.

Error Handling

Error handling is a very important part of any real-world parser. Decent error reporting allows us to quickly diagnose problems in our input. As we saw above a ParseResult may be either a successful Result or an Error, the latter containing information in a ParseError data structure about the nature of the error.

data ParseError =
    UnexpectedEof -- hit end of file when we expected more input
  | ExpectedEof Input -- should have successfully parsed everything but there's more!
  | UnexpectedChar Char
  | UnexpectedString String
  deriving (Eq, Show)

Naturally it needs to be Showable, and we’ll throw in an Eq for good measure.


First an instance of Show to pretty print the ParseResults:

instance Show a => Show (ParseResult a) where
  show (Result i a)                 = "Result >" ++ i ++ "< " ++ show a
  show (Error UnexpectedEof)        = "Unexpected end of stream"
  show (Error (UnexpectedChar c))   = "Unexpected character: " ++ show [c]
  show (Error (UnexpectedString s)) = "Unexpected string: " ++ show s
  show (Error (ExpectedEof i))      =
    "Expected end of stream, but got >" ++ show i ++ "<"

And ParseResult is also an instance of Functor so that we can map functions over the output of a successful parse – or do nothing if the result is an Error:

instance Functor ParseResult where
  fmap f (Result i a) = Result i (f a)
  fmap _ (Error e)    = Error e

A Parser itself is also a Functor. This allows us to create a new Parser by composing functionality onto the parse function for a given Parser:

instance Functor Parser where
  fmap :: (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b
  fmap f (P p) = P (fmap f . p)

The applicative pure creates a Parser that always succeeds with the given input, and thus forms a basis for composition. We saw it being used in the above example to return the results of a parse back into the Parser at the end of a do block.

The (<*>) allows us to map functions in the Parser over another Parser. As with other Applicative instances, a common use case would be composition with a Parser that returns a data constructor as we will see in the next example.

instance Applicative Parser where
  pure :: a -> Parser a
  pure x = P (`Result` x)

  (<*>) :: Parser (a -> b) -> Parser a -> Parser b
  (<*>) p q = p >>= (<$> q)

The Monad instance’s bind function (>>=) we have already seen in use in the example above, allowing us to sequence Parsers in do-blocks to build up the implementation of the BNF grammar.

instance Monad Parser where
  (>>=) :: Parser a -> (a -> Parser b) -> Parser b
  (>>=) (P p) f = P (
    \i -> case p i of
      Result rest x -> parse (f x) rest
      Error e -> Error e)

Parser Combinators

The most atomic function for a parser of String is to pull a single character off the input. The only thing that could go wrong is to find our input is empty.

character :: Parser Char
character = P parseit
  where parseit "" = Error UnexpectedEof
        parseit (c:s) = Result s c

The following is how we will report an error when we encounter a character we didn’t expect. This is not the logic for recognising a character, that’s already happened and failed and the unrecognised character is now the parameter. This is just error reporting, and since we have to do it from within the context of a Parser, we create one using the P constructor. Then we set up the one field common to any Parser, a function which returns a ParseResult no matter the input, hence const. The rest creates the right type of Error for the given Char.

unexpectedCharParser :: Char -> Parser a
unexpectedCharParser = P . const . Error . UnexpectedChar

Now a parser that insists on a certain character being the next one on the input. It’s using the Parser instance of Monad’s bind function (implicitly in a do block) to sequence first the character Parser, then either return the correct character in the Parser, or the Error parser.

is :: Char -> Parser Char
is c = do
  v <- character
  let next = if v == c
             then pure
             else const $ unexpectedCharParser v
  next c

And finally we introduce the Alternative typeclass for our Parser for trying to apply a first Parser, and then an alternate Parser if the first fails. This allows us to encode the alternatives in our BNF grammar rules.

instance Alternative Parser where
  empty :: Parser a
  empty = Parser $ const (Error UnexpectedEof)

  p1 <|> p2 = P (\i -> let f (Error _) = parse p2 i
                         f r = r
                     in f $ parse p1 i)

Nitty gritty

The last two pieces of our Phone Numbers grammar we also implement fairly straightforwardly from the BNF. In a real parser combinator library you’d do it differently, as per our exercises below.

<digit> ::= "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9"
<spaces> ::= " " <spaces> | ""

Here’s a trivial adaptation of digit:

digit :: Parser Char
digit = is '0' <|> is '1' <|> is '2' <|> is '3' <|> is '4' <|> is '5' <|> is '6' <|> is '7' <|> is '8' <|> is '9'

Spaces is a bit more interesting because it’s recursive, but still almost identical to the BNF:

spaces :: Parser ()
spaces = (is ' ' >> spaces) <|> pure ()


  • make a less repetitive digit parser by creating a function satisfy :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char which returns a parser that produces a character but fails if the input is empty or the character does not satisfy the given predicate. You can use the isDigit function from Data.Char as the predicate.

  • change the type of spaces to Parser [Char] and have it return the appropriately sized string of only spaces.

A Parser that returns an ADT

The return type of the phone number parser above was [Char] (equivalent to String). A more typical use case for a parser though is to generate some data structure that we can then process in other ways. In Haskell, this usually means a parser which returns an Algebraic Data Type (ADT). Here is a very simple example.

Let’s imagine we need to parse records from a vets office. It treats only three types of animals. As always, lets start with the BNF:

<Animal> ::= "cat" | "dog" | "camel"

So our simple grammar consists of three terminals, each of which is a straightforward string token (a constant string that makes up a primitive word in our language). To parse such a token, we’ll need a parser which succeeds if it finds the specified string next in its input. We’ll use our is parser from above (which simply confirms a given character is next in its input). The type of is was Char -> Parser Char. Since Parser is an instance of Applicative, we can simply traverse the is parser across the given String (list of Char) to produce another String in the Parser applicative context.

string :: String -> Parser String
string = traverse is

Now let’s define an ADT for animals:

data Animal = Cat | Dog | Camel
  deriving Show

A parser for “cat” is rather simple. If we find the string "cat" we produce a Cat

cat :: Parser Animal
cat = string "cat" >> pure Cat

Let’s test it:

> parse cat "cat"
Result >< Cat

Ditto dogs and camels:

dog, camel :: Parser Animal
dog = string "dog" >> pure Dog
camel = string "camel" >> pure Camel

And now a parser for our full grammar:

animal :: Parser Animal
animal = cat <|> dog <|> camel

Some tests:

> parse animal "cat"
Result >< Cat
> parse animal "dog"
Result >< Dog
> parse animal "camel"
Result >< Camel

What’s really cool about this is that obviously the strings “cat” and “camel” overlap at the start. Our alternative parser (<|>) effectively backtracks when the cat parser fails before eventually succeeding with the camel parser. In an imperative style program this kind of logic would result in much messier code.


  • Write some messy imperative-style JavaScript (no higher-order functions allowed) to parse cat, dog or camel and construct a different class instance for each.
  • Now add “dolphin” to the grammar, and use a stopwatch to time yourself extending your messy imperative code. I bet it takes longer than extending the animal parser combinator.
  • Make a parser stringTok which uses the string parser to parse a given string, but ignores any spaces before or after the token.
  • Modify the grammar and the ADT to have some extra data fields for each of the animal types, e.g. humpCount, remainingLives, barkstyle, etc.
  • Extend your parser to produce these records.

Creating a Parse Tree

Programs are usually parsed into a tree structure called an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST), more generally known as a parse tree. Further processing ultimately into an object file in the appropriate format (whether it’s some sort of machine code directly executable on the machine architecture or some sort of intermediate format – e.g. Java bytecode) then essentially boils down to traversal of this tree to evaluate the statements and expressions there in the appropriate order.

We will not implement a parser for a full programming language, but to at least demonstrate what this concept looks like in Haskell we will create a simple parser for simple arithmetic expressions. The parser generates a tree structure capturing the order of operations, which we may then traverse to perform a calculation.

To start with, here is a BNF grammar for a simple calculator with three operations *, + and -, with * having higher precedence than + or -:

<expr> ::= <term> | <expr> <addop> <term>
<term> ::= <number> | <number> "*" <number>
<addop> ::= "+" | "-"

An expression <expr> consists of one or more <term>s that may be combined with an <addop> (an addition operation, either "+" or "-"). A <term> involves one or more numbers, multiplied together.

The dependencies between the non-terminal expressions makes explicit the precedence of multiply operations needing to occur before add (and subtract).

The data structure we will create uses the following Algebraic Datatype:

data Expr = Plus Expr Expr
          | Minus Expr Expr
          | Times Expr Expr
          | Number Integer
  deriving Show

Our top-level function will be called parseCalc:

parseCalc :: String -> ParseResult Expr
parseCalc = parse expr

And an example use might look like:

> parseCalc " 6 *4 + 3- 8 *  2"
Result >< Minus (Plus (Times (Number 6) (Number 4)) (Number 3)) (Times (Number 8) (Number 2))

Here’s some ASCII art to make the tree structure of the ParseResult Expr more clear:

 |   ├──Times
 |   |   ├──Number 6
 |   |   └──Number 4
 |   └──Number 3
     ├──Number 8
     └──Number 2


  • make an instance of show for Expr which pretty prints such trees
  • Make a function which performs the calculation specified in an Expr tree like the one above.

Obviously we are going to need to parse numbers, so let’s start with a simple parser which creates a Number.
Note that whereas our previous parser had type phoneNumber :: Parser [Char] – i.e. it produced strings – this, and most of the parsers below, produces an Expr.

number :: Parser Expr  
number = spaces >> Number . read . (:[]) <$> digit

We keep things simple for now, make use of our existing digit parser, and limit our input to only single digit numbers.
The expression Number . read . (:[]) is fmapped over the Parser Char returned by digit.
We use the Prelude function read :: Read a => String -> a to create the Int expected by Number. Since read expects a string, we apply (:[]) to turn the Char into [Char], i.e. a String.

Next, we’ll need a parser for the various operators (*,+ and -). There’s enough of them that we’ll make it a general purpose Parser Char parameterised by the character we expect:

op :: Char -> Parser Char -- parse a single char operator
op c = do
   is c
   pure c

As before, spaces ignores any number of ' ' characters.

Here’s how we use op for *; note that it returns only the Times constructor. Thus, our return type is an as-yet unapplied binary function (and we see now why (<*>) is going to be useful).

times :: Parser (Expr -> Expr -> Expr)
times = op '*' >> pure Times

And for + and - a straightforward implementation of the <addop> non-terminal from our grammar:

addop :: Parser (Expr -> Expr -> Expr)
addop = (op '+' >> pure Plus) <|> (op '-' >> pure Minus)

And some more non-terminals:

expr :: Parser Expr
expr = chain term addop

term :: Parser Expr
term = chain number times

These use the chain function to handle repeated chains of operators (*, -, +) of unknown length. We could make each of these functions recursive with a <|> to provide an alternative for the base case end-of-chain (as we did for spaces, above), but we can factor the pattern out into a reusable function, like so:

chain :: Parser a -> Parser (a->a->a) -> Parser a
chain p op = p >>= rest
   rest :: a -> Parser a
   rest a = (do
               f <- op
               b <- p
               rest (f a b)
            ) <|> pure a

But, how does chain work?

p >>= rest: The parser p is applied, and we pass this parsed value, to the function call rest

rest a: Within the rest function, the parser op is applied to parse an operator f, and the parser p is applied again to parse another value b. The result is then combined using the function f applied to both a and b to form a new value. The rest function is then called recursively, with this new value.

Recursive calls: The recursive calls continue until there are no more operators op to parse, at which point the parser returns the last value a. This is achieved using the pure a expression. This makes the function tail recursive

This gives us a way to parse expressions of the form “1+2+3+4+5” by parsing “1” initially, using p then repeatedly parsing something of the form “+2”, where op would parse the ‘+’ and the p would then parse the “2”. These are combined using our Plus constructor to be of form Plus 1 2, this will then recessively apply the p and op parser over the rest of the string: “+3+4+5”

But, can we re-write this using a fold?

chain :: Parser a -> Parser (a -> a -> a) -> Parser a
chain p op = foldl applyOp <$> p <*> many (liftA2 (,) op p)
    applyOp :: a -> (a->a->a, a) -> a
    applyOp x (op, y) = op x y

foldl applyOp <$> p: This part uses the Functor instances to combine the parsed values and apply the operators in a left-associative manner. foldl applyOp is partially applied to p, creating a parser that parses an initial value (p) and then applies the left-associative chain of operators and values.

many ((,) <$> op <*> p): This part represents the repetition of pairs (op, p) using the many combinator. The tuple structure here just allows us to store the pairs of op and p. We use liftA2 to lift both parse results in to the tuple constructor. We run this many times, to parse many pairs of op and p, and create a list of tuples. As a result, it creates a parser that parses an operator (op) followed by a value (p) and repeats this zero or more times.

applyOp x (op, y): This function is used by foldl to combine the parsed values and operators. It takes an accumulated value x, an operator op, and a new value y, and applies the operator to the accumulated value and the new value.


  • Similar to chain, factor out the recursion of spaces into a function which returns a parser that continues producing a list of values from a given parser, i.e. list :: Parser a -> Parser [a].

Parsing Rock-Paper-Scissors

A common use-case for parsing is deserialising data stored as a string. Of course, there are general data interchange formats such as JSON and XML for which most languages have parsers available. However, sometimes you want to store data in your own format for compactness or readability, and when you do, deserialising the data requires a custom parser (this example is contributed by Arthur Maheo).

We will explore a small game of Rock-Paper-Scissors using a memory. The play function will have the following type:

data RockPaperScissors = Rock | Paper | Scissors

-- | Play a round of RPS given the result of the previous round.
  :: Maybe (RockPaperScissors, RockPaperScissors, String)
  -- ^ Result of the previous round as: (your choice, opponent choice, your memory)
  -> (RockPaperScissors, String) -- ^ (Choice, new memory)

We will build a simple player which will keep track of the opponent’s previous choices and try to counter the most common one.

How to build a memory

We will convert to string using a simple Show instance:

instance Show RockPaperScissors where
  show :: RockPaperScissors -> String
  show Rock = "R"
  show Paper = "P"
  show Scissors = "S"

(Note, we could also define a Read instance to deserialise such a simple type but we are going to define a ParserCombinator for interest and extensibility to much more complex scenarios).

The straightforward way to create the memory is to just store a list of all the choices made by the opponent. So, for example, if the results from the previous three rounds were:

(Rock, Paper), (Rock, Scissors), (Paper, Scissors)

Then, a compact memory representation will be: "PSS".

Note: We only store single characters, so we do not need separators, but if you have more complex data, you will want separators.

Reading the memory

Now, we want to define a Parser RockPaperScissors which will turn a string into a choice. First, we will define a parser for each of the three choices:

rock :: Parser RockPaperScissors
rock = is 'R' >> pure Rock

scissors :: Parser RockPaperScissors
scissors = is 'S' >> pure Scissors

paper :: Parser RockPaperScissors
paper = is 'P' >> pure Paper

This will give:

>>> parse rock "R"
Result >< R
>>> parse rock "RR"
Result >R< R
>>> parse rock "P"
Unexpected character: "P"

To combine those parsers, we will use the option parser (<|>).

choice :: Parser RockPaperScissors
choice = rock <|> paper <|> scissors

And, to be able to read a list of choices, we need to use the list parser:

>>> parse choice "PSS"
Result >SS< P
>>> parse (list choice) "PSCS"
Result >CS< [P,S]
>>> parse (list choice) "PSS"
Result >< [P,S,S]

Playing the game

Our decision function will take a list of RockPaperScissors and return the move that would win against most of them. One question remains: how do we get the memory out of the parser? The answer is: pattern-matching.

getMem :: ParseResult a -> a
getMem (Result _ cs) = cs
getMem (Error _) = error "You should not do that!"

Obviously, in a longer program you want to be handling this case better.

Hint: If your parser returns a list of elements, the empty list [] is a good default case.

Putting it all together

The first round, our player will just pick a choice at random and return an empty memory.

play Nothing = (Scissors, "") -- Chosen at random!

Now, we need to write a couple functions:

  1. winAgainst that determines which choice wins against a given one.
  2. mostCommon which finds the most common occurrence in a list.

With that, we have a full play function:

play (Just (_, opponent, mem)) = (winning whole, concatMap convert whole)
    -- Convert the memory to a list of different choices
    as_choices = getMem . parse (list choice)
    -- Get the whole set of moves -- all the prev. rounds + last one
    whole = opponent: as_choices mem
    winning = winAgainst . mostCommon
>>> play Nothing
>>> play (Just (Scissors, Scissors, ""))
>>> play (Just (Scissors, Scissors, "RRP"))

Note: Here we can see the results directly because RockPaperScissors has an instance of Show. If you want to do the same with a datatype without Show, you would need to call convert.

Going further

Now, this is a simplistic view of storing information. We are only concatenating characters because our data is so small. However, there are better ways to store that data.

One issue with this approach is that we need to process the memory sequentially at each round. Instead, we could keep track of the number of occurrences of each choice.

Exercise: Implement a memory for the following datatype.

data Played = Played {rocks, papers, scissors :: Int}

-- | Store a @Played@ as a string in format: @nC@, with @n@ the number of
-- occurrences and @C@ the choice.
convert' :: Played -> String
convert' Played{rocks, papers, scissors} = 
  show rocks ++ "R" ++ show papers ++ "P" ++ show scissors ++ "S"
>>> play Nothing
>>> play (Just (Scissors, Scissors, "0R0P0S"))
>>> play (Just (Scissors, Scissors, "2R1P0S"))