Learning Outcomes


In the late 90s the mood was right for a language that was small and simple and with executable files small enough to be distributed over the web. Originally Java was meant to be that language but, while it quickly gained traction as a language for building general purpose applications and server-side middleware, it never really took off in the browser. Something even simpler, and better integrated with the Document Object Model (DOM) of HTML pages was required to add basic interaction to web pages.

Brendan Eich was hired by Netscape in 1995 to integrate a Scheme interpreter into their browser for this purpose. No messy deployment of Java bytecode bundles – the browser would have been able to run Scheme scripts embedded directly into web pages. This would have been awesome. Unfortunately, for reasons that were largely political and marketing related, it was felt that something more superficially resembling Java was required. Thus, Eich created a prototype scripting language in 2 weeks that eventually became JavaScript. As we will see, it is syntactically familiar for Java developers. Under the hood, however, it follows quite a different paradigm.

The fact it was initially rushed to market, the fact that browser makers seemingly had difficulty early on making standards-compliant implementations, and a couple of regrettable decisions at first regarding things like scoping semantics, meant that JavaScript developed something of a bad name. It’s also possible that there was some inherent snobbiness amongst computer science types that, since JavaScript was not a compiled language, it must inevitably lead to armageddon. Somehow, however, it survived and began the “web 2.0” phenomenon of what we now refer to as rich, client-side “web apps”. It has also matured and, with the EcmaScript 6 (ES6) and up versions, has actually become quite an elegant little multi paradigm language.

The following introduction to JavaScript assumes a reasonable knowledge of programming in another imperative language such as Python or Java.

Declaring Variables

We declare constant variables in JavaScript with the const keyword:

const z = 1  // constant (immutable variable) at global scope

You can try this in the debug console in a browser such as Chrome. At the console, you enter JavaScript directly at the prompt (>). If we try to change the value of such a const variable, we get a run-time error:

> const z = 1 
> z = 2

Uncaught TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.

We define mutable variables in JavaScript with the let keyword:

let w = 1

The console replies with the value returned by the let statement (in Chrome console the result value is prefixed by ), as follows:


But fear not, w was assigned the correct value which you can confirm by typing just w into the console:

> w

Now if we assign a new value to w it succeeds:

> w = 2 // note that without a let or const keyword before it, this assignment an expression which returns a value:

(Note: The original JavaScript syntax for declaring a variable used the var keyword. However, the scoping of variables declared in this way was strange for people familiar with C and Java scoping rules, and caused much angst. It has been fixed since ES6 with the let and const keywords; we prefer these to var.)

Expressions versus Statements

We refer to any JavaScript code which evaluates to a value as an expression. For example, the expression 1+1 evaluates to 2. We can see in the Chrome console:

> 1 + 1

By contrast a statement performs computation without returning a value. More precisely, statements evaluate to undefined. For example, a variable declaration is a statement:

> const x = 1 + 1

Statements have to have some side effect to be useful (in this case creating a variable in the current scope). Code blocks defined with curly braces are also statements:

> {
    const x = 1+1
    const y = 2

Note that 4 is printed to the console by the console.log (a side effect of the statement), but the value returned by the code block is undefined.

Unlike languages which use indentation to define code blocks and scopes (like Python and Haskell), JavaScript generally ignores multiple spaces, indentation and linebreaks. So you can spread an expression across multiple lines and indent each line however you like:

> 1 +
    1 + 

You can also put multiple statements on one line by separating them with ‘;’:

> const x = 1+1; const y = 2; console.log(x+y)

Of course, you should not abuse the ability to layout code in different ways and make unreadable code. Rather, it is good practice to be consistent with formatting, use indentation to highlight nested scopes and spread things out as necessary for readability.

JavaScript Types

JavaScript has several “primitive types” (simple types that are not Objects). These include:

  • number: any numeric value, integer or decimal
  • string: delineated like "hello" or 'hello' or even `hello`.
  • boolean: can be only true or false
  • undefined: is a special type with only one value which is undefined.

and a couple of others that we won’t worry about here.

JavaScript is loosely typed in the sense that a mutable variable can be assigned (and re-assigned) different values of different types.

> let x
> x = 3
> x = 'hello'

Variable scope

A variable’s scope is the region of the program where it is visible, i.e. it can be referenced. You can limit the scope of a variable by declaring it inside a block of code delineated by curly braces:

     let x = 1

Console prints 1 from the console.log:


But if we try to get the value of x:


Uncaught ReferenceError: x is not defined

The above console.log statement successfully output the value of x because it was inside the same scope (the same set of curly braces). The subsequent error occurs because we tried to look at x outside the scope of its definition. Variables declared outside of any scope are said to be “global” and will be visible to any code loaded on the same page and could clobber or be clobbered by other global definitions – so take care!

Be especially careful to always declare variables with either let or const keywords. If you omit these keywords, a variable will be created at the global scope even though it is inside a { ... } delimited scope, like so:

     x = 1



We are going to start to use a few operators that may be familiar from C or Java, some are JS specific.
Here’s a cheatsheet:

JavaScript 101: Basic Operator Cheat Sheet

Binary Operators

x % y   // modulo
x == y  // loose* equality
x != y  // loose* inequality
x === y // strict+ equality
x !== y // strict+ inequality

a && b   // logical and
a || b   // logical or

a & b   // bitwise and
a | b   // bitwise or

* Loose (in)equality means type conversion may occur

+ Use strict (in)equality if type is expected to be same

Unary Operators

i++     // post-increment
++i     // pre-increment
i--     // post-decrement
--i     // pre-decrement
!x      // not x

Ternary Conditional Operator

<condition> ? <true result> : <false result>

In-place math operators

x += <expr> 
// add result of expr to x
// also -=, *=, /=, |=, &=.


Functions are declared with the function keyword. You can give the function a name followed by a tuple of zero or more parameters. Variables declared within the function’s body (marked by a matching pair of curly braces { … }) are limited to the scope of that function body, but of course the parameters to the function are also in scope within the function body. You return the result with the return keyword.

* define a function called "myFunction" with two parameters, x and y
* which does some silly math, prints something and returns the result
function myFunction(x, y) {
  let t = x + y; // t is mutable
  t += z;  // += adds the result of the expression on the right to the value of t
  const result = t // semicolons are not essential (but can help to catch errors)
  console.log("hello world") // prints to the console
  return result; // returns the result to the caller

const z = 1; // z is immutable and defined in the global scope

You invoke (or ‘call’, or ‘apply’) a function like so:


hello world

An if-else statement looks like so:

* get the greater of x and y
function maxVal(x, y) {
   if (x >= y) {
       return x;
   } else {
       return y;

There is also a useful ternary expression syntax for if-then-else:

function maxVal(x, y) {
   return x >= y ? x : y;

We can loop with while:

* sum the numbers up to and including n
function sumTo(n) {
   let sum = 0;
   while (n) { // when n is 0 this evaluates to false ending the loop
      // add n to sum then decrement n
      sum += n--; // see operator cheatsheet above
   return sum;


Or for:

function sumTo(n) {
   let sum = 0;
   for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
       sum += i;
   return sum;

Or we could perform the same computation using a recursive loop:

function sumTo(n) {
   if (n === 0) return 0;  // base case
   return n + sumTo(n-1);  // inductive step

We can make this really succinct with a ternary if-then-else expression:

function sumTo(n) {
   return n ? n + sumTo(n-1) : 0;

We consider this recursive loop a more “declarative” coding style than the imperative loops.

It is closer to the inductive definition of sum than a series of steps for how to compute it.

  • No mutable variables used
  • Each expression in this code is “pure”: it has no effects outside the expression. Thus, you could replace each element of code with something else that produces the same result for a given input (such as a simple look up of a precomputed cache) and it would work the same.
  • Therefore: this code has the property of referential transparency.
  • The code succinctly states the loop invariant.

Stack Overflow and Tail Recursion

Each time a function is invoked, the interpreter (or ultimately the CPU) will allocate another chunk of memory to a special area of memory set aside for such use called the stack. The stack is finite. A recursive function that calls itself too many times will consume all the available stack memory.

Therefore, too many levels of recursion will cause a stack overflow.


Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

However, functional languages (like Haskell) rely on recursion because they have no other way to create loops without mutable variables – so they must have a way to make this scale to real-world computations. When a recursive function is written in a special way, such that the recursive call is in tail position, compilers are able to transform the recursion into a while loop with constant memory use – this is called tail call optimisation.

Let’s see what a tail recursive version of the sumTo function looks like:

function sumTo(n, sum = 0) {
   return n ? sumTo(n-1, sum + n)
            : sum;

We have added a second parameter sum to store the computation as recursion proceeds. Such parameters are called accumulators. The = 0 in the parameter definition provides a default value in case the caller does not specify an argument. Thus, this new version can be called the same way as before:



The important change is that the recursive call (on the branch of execution that requires it) is now the very last operation to be executed before the function returns. The computation (sum + n) occurs before the recursive call. Therefore, no local state needs to be stored on the stack.

Note: although it has been proposed for the EcmaScript standard, as of 2022, not all JavaScript engines support tail call optimisation (only WebKit AFAIK).

Functions as parameters to other functions

We can make functions more versatile by parameterising them with other functions:

function sumTo(n, f = x => x) {
   return n ? f(n) + sumTo(n-1, f) : 0;

Note that the new parameter f defaults to a simple function that directly returns its argument. Thus, called without a second parameter sumTo has the same behavior as before:



But, we can now specify a non-trivial function to be applied to the numbers before they are summed. For example, a function to square a number:

function square(x) {
   return x * x;

can be passed into sumTo to compute a sum of squares:

sumTo(10, square)
> 385


Like Java, everything in JavaScript is an object. You can construct an object populated with some data, essentially just with JSON syntax:

const myObj = {
    aProperty: 123,
    anotherProperty: "tim was here"

However, in JavaScript, objects are simply property bags, indexed by a hashtable:

// the following are equivalent and both involve a hashtable lookup:

Note that when we declare an object with the const keyword as above, it is only weakly immutable. This means that we cannot reassign myObj to refer to a different object, however, we can change the properties inside myObj. Thus, the myObj variable is constant/immutable, but the object created by the declaration is mutable. So, after making the above const declaration, if we try the following reassignment of myObj we receive an error:

myObj = {
    aProperty: 0,
    anotherProperty: "tim wasn't here"

VM48:1 Uncaught TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.

But the immutability due to const is weak or shallow in the sense that while the myObj variable which references the object is immutable, the properties of the object are mutable, i.e. we can reassign properties on myObj with no error:

myObj.aProperty = 0

We can also quickly declare variables that take the values of properties of an object, through destructuring syntax:

const {aProperty} = myObj

Which is equivalent to:

const aProperty = myObj.aProperty

This is most convenient to destructure objects passed as arguments to functions. It makes it clear from the function definition precisely which properties are going to be accessed. Consider:

const point = {x:123, y:456}
function showX({x}) {

You can also initialise an object’s properties directly with variables. Unless a new property name is specified, the variable names become property names, like so:

const x = 123, tempY = 456
const point = {x /* variable name used as property name */,
               y:tempY /* value from variable but new property name */}

{x: 123, y: 456}


JavaScript has Python-like syntax for array objects:

const a = [1,2,3]






You can also destructure arrays into local variables:

const [x,y,z] = a


Below, we see how Anonymous Functions can be applied to transform arrays, and a cheatsheet summary for further functions for working with arrays.

Dynamic Typing

The members of myObj are implicitly typed as number and string respectively, and as we see in the console.log, conversion to string happens automatically. JavaScript is interpreted by a JavaScript engine rather than compiled into a static executable format. Originally, this had implications on execution speed, as interpreting the program line by line at run time could be slow. Modern JavaScript engines, however, feature Just in Time (JIT) compilation and optimisation – and speed can sometimes be comparable to execution of C++ code that is compiled in advance to native machine code. However, another implication remains. JavaScript is not type checked by a compiler. Thus, type errors cause run-time failures rather than being caught at compile time. JavaScript is dynamically typed in that types are associated with values rather than variables. That is, a variable that is initially bound to one type, can later be rebound to a different type, e.g.:

let i = 123;    // a numeric literal has type number
i = 'a string'; // a string literal has type string, but no error here!

The C compiler would spit the dummy when trying to reassign i with a value of a different type, but the JavaScript interpreter is quite happy to go along with your decision to change your mind about the type of i.

Functions are Objects

The nifty thing about JavaScript – one Scheme’ish thing that presumably survived from Eich’s original plan – is that functions are also just objects. That is, given the following function:

function sayHello(person) {
    console.log('hello ' + person)

“hello tim”

We can easily bind a function to a variable:

const hi = sayHello

“hello tim”

Anonymous Functions

The sayHello function is called a named function. We can also create an anonymous function to be bound immediately to a variable:

const hi = function(person) {
    console.log("hello " + person)

or to pass as a parameter into another function. For example, Array objects have a forEach member that expects a function as an argument, which is then applied to every member of the array:

['tim', 'sally', 'anne'].forEach(function(person) { 
    console.log('hello ' + person)

“hello tim”
“hello sally”
“hello anne”

This pattern of passing functions as parameters to other functions is now so common in JavaScript that the EcmaScript 6 standard introduced some new arrow syntax (with slightly different semantics, as explained below) for anonymous functions:

['tim', 'sally', 'anne'].forEach(person=> console.log('hello ' + person))

Note that whatever value the expression on the right-hand side of the arrow evaluates to is implicitly returned:

['tim', 'sally', 'anne'].map(person=> "hello " + person)

[“hello tim”, “hello sally”, “hello anne”]

Multiple statements (either split across lines or separated with ;s) including local variable declarations can be enclosed in brackets with arrow syntax, but then an explicit return statement is required to return a value:

['tim', 'sally', 'anne'].map(person=> {
   const message = "hello " + person
   return message

Arrow Functions

As mentioned above, ES6 introduced compact notation for anonymous functions:

const greeting = person=> 'hello' + person

Which is completely equivalent to the long form:

const greeting = function(person) {
    return 'hello ' + person

You can also have functions with a list of arguments, just put the list in brackets as for usual function definitions:

const greeting = (greeting, person)=> greeting + ' ' + person

The body of the above functions are simple expressions. If you need a more complex, multiline body (e.g. with local variables) you can do this but you need to surround the code block with curly braces {} and use an explicit return statement:

const greeting = (greeting, person)=> {
    const msg = greeting + ' ' + person
    return msg


We can use multi-parameter anonymous functions with another nifty method on Array objects which allows us to reduce them to a single value.



The reduce method applies a function to each of the elements in the array in order to compute an aggregated value for the whole array. The nature of the aggregate depends on the function you pass in. Here we just sum the elements in the array. The function we pass in has two parameters, the second is the array element (which we refer to here as x), the first parameter accumulator is either:

  • the second argument to reduce (which in our case is 0), if this is the first call to the function,
  • or, for every other call, the result returned by the previous call to the function.

reduce is incredibly versatile and can be used to do much more than sum numbers. For example, say we want to see whether all the elements of an array pass some test.

const all = (test, array) => array.reduce(
    (accumulator, x) => accumulator && test(x),

Here the accumulator is a boolean with initial value true. If an element of the array fails the test the accumulator becomes false and stays false, using the && operator.

all(x => x < 5, [1, 2, 3])
all(x => x < 5, [1, 3, 5])




  • Can you write a function any that returns true if any of the tests pass?

What if we wanted to see how many times each word appears in a list?

const wordCount = (array) => array.reduce(
    (accumulator, word) => {
        if (accumulator[word]) {
            accumulator[word] += 1
        } else {
            accumulator[word] = 1
        return accumulator

Here the accumulator is an object which is initially empty. For each word in the list the word count is either updated or created in the accumulator object. Note however that this implementation is not pure; the aggregator function modifies accumulator in place before returning it.

wordCount(['tim', 'sally', 'tim'])

{ tim: 2, sally: 1 }

Array Cheatsheet

In the following, the annotations beginning with : describe the type of each parameter and the return type of the function. The array a has elements of type U, and U=>V is the type of a function with input parameter type U and return type V (Note: these are not correct TS annotations, but an informal “shorthand”)

a.forEach(f: U=> void): void  // apply the function f to each element of the array

Although it does not typically mutate a, forEach is impure if f has any side effect (which it most likely will because otherwise why would you bother!).

Pure Methods on Array

a.slice(): U[]                // copy the whole array
a.slice(start: number): U[]   // copy from the specified index to the end of the array
a.slice(start: number,        // copy from start index up to 
        end: number): U[]     //    (but not including) end index
a.map(f: U=> V): V[]          // apply f to elements of array
                              //    and return result in new array of type V
a.filter(f: U=> boolean): U[] // returns a new array of the elements of a
                              //    for which f returns true
a.concat(b: U[]): U[]         // return a new array with the elements of b
                              //    concatenated after the elements of a
a.concat(b: U[], c: U[]): U[] // return b and c appended to a.
                              //    further arrays can be passed after c
a.reduce(f: (V, U)=> V, V): V // Uses f to combine elements of
                              // the array into a single result of type V

All of the above are pure in the sense that they do not mutate a, but return the result in a new object.

Note: the function passed to forEach takes an optional second parameter (not shown above) which is the index of the element being visited (see docs). While map, filter & reduce have a similar optional index parameter I suggest to avoid using it because it leads to hacky imperative style thinking about loops.


Functions can be nested inside other function definitions and can access variables from the enclosing scope.


  • A function and the set of variables it accesses from its enclosing scope is called a closure.
  • Variables from the enclosing scope that are accessed by the closure are said to be captured by the closure.

You can also have a function that creates and returns a closure that can be applied later:

function add(x) {
    return y => y+x; // we are going to return a function which includes
                     // the variable x from its enclosing scope 
                     // - “a closure”
let addNine = add(9)


In the above example, the parameter x of the add function is captured by the anonymous function that is returned, which forms a closure. Thus, the binding of x to a value persists beyond the scope of the add function itself. Effectively, we have used the add function to create a new function: y=>y+9 – without actually writing the code ourselves.



We can also call the add function with two arguments at once:



Functions like add, which operate on multiple parameters but which split the parameters across multiple nested single parameter functions, are said to be Curried. Compare to a traditional function of two parameters:

function plus(x,y) { return x + y }


The add function above is a curried version of the plus function. We will discuss curried functions more when we more formally introduce higher-order functions in a later chapter.

Note that functions that are curried can be written in either arrow syntax or using the function keyword or a mix, as above. The following versions of add are completely equivalent to the one above:

function add(x) {
  return function(y) {
    return x+y

const add = x=>y=>x+y

As another example, consider a curried wrapper for our sumTo from before:

 function sumOf(f) {
     return n => sumTo(n, f)

Now, we can create custom functions that compute sums over arbitrary sequences:

 const sumOfSquares = sumOf(square)




Prototype Class Mechanism

Note: the following way to achieve class encapsulation is deprecated by ES6 syntax – skip to the next section to see the modern way to do it.

In JavaScript you can also create functions as members of objects:

let say = {
    hello: person => console.log('hello ' + person)

“hello tim”

But these objects are only single instances.
JavaScript supports creating object instances of a certain type (i.e. having a set of archetypical members, like a Java class) through a function prototype mechanism. You create a constructor function:

function Person(name, surname) {
    this.name = name
    this.surname = surname
let author = new Person('tim', 'dwyer')

“hello tim”

You can also add method functions to the prototype, that are then available from any objects of that type:

Person.prototype.hello = function() { console.log("hello " + this.name) }

“hello tim”

Note that above we use the old-style verbose JavaScript anonymous function syntax instead of the arrow form. This is because there is a difference in the way the two different forms treat the this symbol. In the arrow syntax, this refers to the enclosing execution context. In the verbose syntax, this resolves to the object the method was called on.

It’s very tempting to use the prototype editing mechanism for evil. For example, I’ve always wished that JS had a function to create arrays initialised over a range:

Array.prototype.range = 
  (from, to)=>Array(to)  // allocate space for an array of size `to`
  .fill()                // populate the array (with `undefined`s)
  .map((_,i)=>i)         // set each element of the array to its index
  .filter(v=> v >= from) // filter out values below from



Of course, if you do something like this in your JS library, and it pollutes the global namespace, and one day EcmaScript 9 introduces an actual range function with slightly different semantics, and someone else goes to use the [].range function expecting the official semantics – well, you may lose a friend or two.

Some notes about this implementation of range:

  • Although the Array(n) function allocates space for n elements, the result is still “empty” so fill() is necessary to actually create the entries.
  • The function passed to map is using an optional second argument which receives the index of the current element. See note in the Array Cheatsheat suggesting not to use this.
  • The _ is not special syntax, it’s a valid variable name. I use _ as a convention for a parameter that I don’t use. This is imitating Haskell syntax.


  • Amend the range function above to handle negative values in from or to, and add some calculation so that the array is size to - from from the start, eliminating the need for filter.
  • Hack a sum function onto the Array.prototype (you’ll need to use an old style anonymous function to access the array through this).
  • Why might you lose friends doing this kind of thing to built-in types?
  • We are going to be dealing with linked-list like data structures a lot in this course. Implement a linked list using JavaScript objects as simply as you can, and create some functions for working with it, like length and map.

EcmaScript 6 Class Syntax

Consider another class created with a function and a method added to the prototype:

function Person(name, occupation) {
   this.name = name
   this.occupation = occupation
Person.prototype.sayHello = function() {
   console.log(`Hi, my name's ${this.name} and I ${this.occupation}!`)
const tim = new Person("Tim","lecture Programming Paradigms")

Hi, my name’s Tim and I lecture Programming Paradigms!

ES6 introduced a new syntax for classes that will be more familiar to Java programmers:

class Person {
   constructor(name, occupation) {
       this.name = name
       this.occupation = occupation
   sayHello() {
       console.log(`Hi, my name's ${this.name} and I ${this.occupation}!`)

There is also now syntax for “getter properties”: functions which can be invoked without (), i.e. to look more like properties:

class Person {
   constructor(name, occupation) {
       this.name = name
       this.occupation = occupation
   get greeting() {
       return `Hi, my name's ${this.name} and I ${this.occupation}!`
   sayHello() {

And classes of course support single-inheritance to achieve polymorphism:

class LoudPerson extends Person {
   sayHello() {

const tims = [
   new Person("Tim","lecture Programming Paradigms"),
   new LoudPerson("Tim","shout about Programming Paradigms")

tims.forEach(t => t.sayHello())

Hi, my name’s Tim and I lecture Programming Paradigms!


According to Cartelli et al., “Polymorphic types are types whose operations are applicable to values of more than one type.” Thus, although Person and LoudPerson are different types, since LoudPerson is a sub-type of Person, they present a common sayHello method allowing operations like forEach to operate over an array of the base class. In a traditional Object Oriented language like Java, the compiler enforces that objects must be instances of a common base class or interface to be treated as such. This type of polymorphism is called subtyping polymorphism.

In JavaScript, with no compile-time typecheck, a kind of polymorphism is possible such that if two objects both present a similarly named method that is callable in the same way, of course there is nothing preventing you simply using that method on each object as if it is the same:

const a = {f: ()=>console.log("a")}
const b = {f: ()=>console.log("b")}


Informally, this type of polymorphism is called “Duck Typing” (i.e. “If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck”).

Another type of polymorphism which is key to strongly typed functional programming languages (like Haskell), but also a feature of many modern OO languages is parametric polymorphism. We will see this in action when we introduce TypeScript generics.

Reference: Cardelli, Luca, and Peter Wegner. “On understanding types, data abstraction, and polymorphism.” ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 17.4 (1985): 471-523.

Dependency Injection

It’s useful to compare the above style of polymorphism to a functional approach to dependency injection:

class Person {
   constructor(name, occupation, voiceTransform = g => g) {
       this.name = name
       this.occupation = occupation
       this.voiceTransform = voiceTransform
   get greeting() {
       return `Hi, my name's ${this.name} and I ${this.occupation}!`
   sayHello() {
const tims = [
   new Person("Tim", "lecture Programming Paradigms"),
   new Person("Tim", "shout about Programming Paradigms", g => g.toUpperCase())
tims.forEach(t => t.sayHello())

Hi, my name’s Tim and I lecture Programming Paradigms!

So the filter property defaults to the identity function (a function which simply returns its argument), but a user of the Person class can inject a dependency on another function from outside the class when they construct an instance.

This is a “lighter-weight” style of code reuse or specialisation.